The dreaded UTI
Ohhhhhh the pain 😖😖😖
Then there is the anxiety attack straight away screaming NOW YOU HAVE TO TAKE ANTIBIOTICS AND RUIN YOUR MICROBIOME OR YOU WILL DIE!
Or was that just me? Nope - I’ve heard these words from clients - because we have never been given other options.
The reason I am a health coach and gut health specialist now is because I properly destroyed my microbiome in my youth with antibiotics and ended up with an autoimmune disease, a nasty parasite that dominated my gut, and all of the hurt that comes with those issues including brain fog, insomnia, gas, bloating, pain, constipation, weight gain, anxiety, oh and chronic fatigue.
I was a goddamn mess.
Part of the spiral of destruction was a series of UTIs that led to a kidney infection. I was taking antibiotics but they would just come back worse and worse each time.
When I discovered that my gut health was intrinsically linked to every single health issue I was experiencing I refused to take antibiotics again. Flat out. I would have to be on my deathbed being held down by gladiators to receive oral antibiotics.
So what can you do?
You take ‘nature’s antibiotics’ that are as effective on UTI causing bacteria as antibiotics. The reason you choose herbal remedies is because they are shown to be as effective at killing/reducing the offending bacteria each and every time you take them, while UTI bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics.
Here is a quote from a study on UTI's and Antibiotic use:
“Antibiotics are frequently used to treat and prevent acute and recurrent UTI, but their repeated use can result in dysbiosis of vaginal and intestinal normal flora, as well as antibiotic resistance due to the high mutation ability and horizontal gene transfer capability of different pathogens”.
So what are these ‘nature’s antibiotics’ you speak of?
‘Nature’s antibiotics’ include things such as clove oil, oregano oil and propolis. Along with a microbiome boosting regimen of specific pre and probiotics you can turn things around rapidly without damaging the delicate flora and balance of your body and immune system.
There are also other urine-increasing herbs like Uva Ursi that can help flush out the bacteria, along with vitamins such as cranberry extract, Vitamin C and Zinc that are incredibly important in the UTI healing process.
The most consistently successful outcomes are seen when in conjunction with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture which can help with the healing process.
TCM methods of acupuncture and herbs can help with improving the function of bladder and kidney systems, reducing symptoms from recurrent UTIs, as well as helping to address the deeper problems that cause inflammation and pressure in the bladder.
If you want a different approach that can finally give you long term relief from the dreaded UTI then you should consider doing a protocol like this before you get the next bout of burning pain.
⬇️ Click below to purchase my UTI & Ongoing Bladder Support Protocol ⬇️
There is some wonderful testing through Nutripath that can show UTI causing bacteria, but then again you know if you know 😉😉.
The amazing thing is that we have always had the tools, in nature, to deal with these kinds of issues that have been around for centuries. We just need the knowledge about what to turn to for what condition.
LM x
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